No time for words.

SPU – Jerusalem

Filtering Jerusalem traffic, two-up on a long-wheelbase hog, in the sun at paddling speeds, is exhausting. We rode into the square where the Western Wall is. You don’t DO that, but we did. Special Police Unit were our escorts.  The SPU aren’t exactly “cops” in the traditional sense.  Ask them whether they are more “cop” … [more]


We busted through traffic like gun-mounted Strykers, siren wailing and blipping like a mad, mad metronome, then snaked down a brick pathway to the segregated orthodox beach (it’s Man Night today) where a boy had nearly drowned in the unusually high surf, which we could see pounding the breakwater and busting higher into the air … [more]

Goyim along, singin’ a song…

All my bags are packed, I’m ready to . . . resign myself to doing without the things I forgot, most likely. So that’s it? One-point-five blog entries and he hangs it up? If only. No, I’m committed to this sorta-two-way communication with you, Faire Reader, but I’ll be out of town for a few … [more]

Right at the light

My web maven tells me this site has gone live.  Apparently the implication is that if I don’t glue something up here post haste, I’ll become, de facto, de jure and ex officio a “dead link.”  That is absolutely not what I pay her for, so as usual she defaults to taking charge of this … [more]