Light One Candle

I don’t know his name and never will. That candle is hard for me to label, and even harder to light. May his memory, tough though that is, be for a blessing.

A Eulogy in Doggerel

WP Engine The Ketamine Kowboy KorpsIs cutting and slashing some moreThey’re ready to treatYour job as a cheatIf they don’t understand your chores You must send them a small, earnest missiveAn excuse for your being employedThese kids can’t understandUnless YOU lend a handNo accountants among these smart boys! They’re just hackers and rocketry internsKids who … [more]

Note to Zar-zar

Some things l’d like to tell my granddaughter in a few years, but probably won’t remember by tomorrow… Find your strength. People without power can’t generate compassion, only cooperation. Find your drive. The only prayer ever answered is effort. Every other invocation amounts to throwing pennies in a well. Find your allies. You’ll need more … [more]

the guild of gilded guilt

every fear is true, you knowyou’ll do the things you hateclean vomit and the blood, the shitsome human — too old, too young, too broke, too drunkdidn’t wouldn’t couldn’t control, and wipe stains off your cuff, oncethey were brains, contained all that were dreams promises broken lend your body to strangers, hoping, wondering whatlurks down … [more]


This day, when the milk carton rips a little onopening, that hernia, not quite repaired, bites whenyou stand, the coffee, “Fogcutter” it says on the baglies or anyway overestimates and dogsgrayly humbled by sudden damp, grumblemelancholalia stops their frantic shrieks to murmursunworth a dart to the glass-fronted door, eventhe mail carrier FedEx UPS slinks boneless … [more]

Place of Refuge

“Spread out, ya knuckleheads!” Our drill sergeant barked at us in his normally cheerful tone. “One grenade’d get all y’all!” Murmuring alarm at the inevitable bloody future awaiting us, we shut up and spread out, thus facilitating getting dropped to the red, South Carolina dirt for a smoke session. The lesson held: crowding together equals … [more]

Get A Life

It’s a general article of faith in today’s GOP (and pretty much nowhere else in America) that women seeking abortions are slutty, adulterous murder bitches.