A Eulogy in Doggerel

The Ketamine Kowboy Korps
Is cutting and slashing some more
They’re ready to treat
Your job as a cheat
If they don’t understand your chores

You must send them a small, earnest missive
An excuse for your being employed
These kids can’t understand
Unless YOU lend a hand
No accountants among these smart boys!

They’re just hackers and rocketry interns
Kids who grew up on video games
Deep in thrall to their lord
Incel pawns on the board
Now with access to money and names

Yes, they’re groping your personal records
Canning nuclear managers, too
This security breach
Other nations will teach
As the time when our core rotted through

So relax and enjoy the warm firelight
While your government burns to the ground
Like a business they’ll run it
And with your money gun it
‘Til our billionaire Führer is crowned!

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  1. I wonder if muskybutt knows that the talisman he wields is WEAK?
    Let’s see: bumper axes? seems inefficient. At least it’s more hazardous to the user with that hot (blood/dragon stone?) knob replacing the hand guard, and when it does kick back, those spikes facing said user should provide the necessary leverage for effective self destruction.
    This curvy road, strewn with sand patches, wet leaves and construction grooves can be scary or exhilarating, you pick. I’m going with the latter.
    Is that Gullinkambi I hear crowing in the distance or has one of our roosters gotten into the neighbor’s flowerbeds again?

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